Profil Five V - Biodata Five v
Tanggal Lahir |
12 September 1979
Multi Talent · Jakarta, Indonesia
Film- film yang dibintanginya antara lain :
-13 Cara Memanggil Setan 2010 to present Horor movie, as cameo -POLICE 86with Sukarya Marajo, Emilka, Yudho 2010 to present TV Series, every Monday till Friday, @16.30 wib, only @TRANSTV -Celebrity Juga Manusia Based on my true story, STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN (stop KDRT) -Mengaku Rosul Drama Movie, as a cameo -Titin Tukang Kawin with Cuk Fk FTV, as a main talent -Abdel & Temon Bukan Superstarwith Rizky Bonny, Muchyar Syamas, Anjasmara, Putra Frank Kinaryosi TV Series (stipping), as one of a main talent -Hantu Binal Jembatan Semanggiwith Evelina Vina Hutagaol and Be Jo Horor movie, as a main talent -3 Janda Gambrengwith Ini Republiktebe FTV Series, as one of a main talent -Cintaku Selamanya Comedy movie, as a cameo -Terowongan Casablanca Horor movie, as a cameo -Tergiur TV Series, as one of a main talent -Si Yoyo TV Series, as a guest star, showed @SCTV -Ku Cinta Dia TV Series showed @RCTI, as a main talent -Misteri Leak TV Series, as on of a main talent -Ratu Ular FTV, as a main talent -Disunat Jin FTV, as a main talent -Insyaf FTV Series, showed @TRANSTV Model Photo model, TVC model -ME Magazine -FHM 100 Sexiest Women in the World -POPULAR Cover of magazine -TOSHIBA Fuzzy Logic Commercial, as a maintalent -KABELVISION TV cable & internet as one one of a maintalent -PLN (versi terbang ke bulan) TVC commercial, as one of main talent -Calender Girls Photo calender, 12 Sexiest women in Indonesia -IREX (versi kado buat mama) TVC commercial, as one of a maintalent Guest Star -Tawar Tawaran Tawa 2010 to present Games Show, as comedian guest star view times, showing @ MNC TV -Empat Mata Talk Show, as guest star view times & "MISS V", showed @TRANS7 -Kejar Rejeki Games Show, as a finalist guest star -Katakan Kataku Games Show, as a winner guest star -Super Games Games Show, one of the guest star Comedian -Ngelenong Nyok Comedy Series (stripping), as one of a main talent showed @TRANSTV -Show Time Comedy Series, as a guest comedian star, showed @TPI -Chatting "Canda Itu Penting" Comedy Series, as a guest comedian star, showed @TPI Presenter -MAKMUR Couples, showed @ANTEVE -Bisik- Bisikwith Danty Falcon Solo, shoed @ ANTEVE | |
Penghargaan |
Just Catwalk
Conpetition of arts -Putri Bunga Surabaya With flower art gown, as second WINNER -Model & Photomodel Another competition, as a first WINNER -Miss of Majapahit GUS & YUK, proudly first WINNER @Senior High School |
Informasi Pribadi |
Tiada yang melebihi cinta kami pada Alloh SWT..
Rindu kami pada Rosululloh Muhammad SAW..
orang tua :
Sri Utami/ Hj. Siti Rachma (almarhumah 68th) & H. Maskun Sastro Utomo |
five v sexy artist indonesia |
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